A large and variable genus numbering about 1,000 species native to Central and South America, at least 2 species and/or artifical hybrids naturalised in Australia.
Plants form erect or tangled clumps with new growth arisingfrom base. Stems cane-like, erect or scrambling, branched, with basal and/or aerial roots, leaf throghout, often forming aerial growths near apex. Leaves 60-100 x 10-20mm, oblong to elliptic, fleshy, green or yellowish-green. Racemes terminal, 200-400mm long, with a long basal stalk, multiflowered. Flowers 20-30mm across, crowded in a terminal group (red or orange with yellow bloch on labellum). Labellum projected forwards, crucifix like with three fringed or lacerate lobes. Flowers: Spasmodic all year.
Epidendrum Species is listed in the following regions:
Tucabia, NSW