With a single row of large eyes contouring the anterior tip and continuing sub-marginally to the posterior. When crawling, body almost circular in cross section, tapering gradually to each extremity. Dorsal surface very dark grey, almost black, with two very narrow lines of light greyish colour one on either side of a median dark grey line of almost equal width. There are two similar narrow lines of pale grey, one either side of the body, just visible from the dorsal surface. Below these on either side is a narrow lateral stripe of brownish grey, below which is the light yellowish grey of the ventral surface. The ventral surface is light yellowish grey with two dark brownish almost purplish coloured longitudinal stripes separated by a median strip of ground colour of about half their width - these dark stripes are diagnostic of this species, as its name ventrolineata suggests. Anterior tip brownish red to black. Living specimens 30-40 mm long. This species in native to south eastern Queensland, but has been spread in soil of potted plants via the nursery trade world wide (UK, Europe, US plus more, usually along with Caenoplana coerulea). Outside of its native habitat, it is largely restricted to urban gardens.
Parakontikia ventrolineata is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Southern Highlands | South Coast | New South Wales North Coast | Greater Brisbane